Handling a decedents debt

Dear Len & Rosie,

I have been estranged from my biological father since I was twelve years old. About six months ago he called up and said that he was dying and would like to cultivate a relationship. This man is a dead-beat. He still has a pending child support claim against him, somewhere in the neighborhood of $15,000 to $20,000. My sister and I are 24 and 27 respectively. Is there any way to protect ourselves from having to absorb his debts upon his death? I believe that he has incurred a moderate amount of credit card debit. He currently does not own any real property or have any life insurance policies. As I understand it, he was married to another woman for a number of years, however she died a few years ago due to cancer. I am not aware of any other children that he may have had. I assume that it is a possibility that he does have other children. I am also aware that he currently receives SSI due to being partially blind.

I am not trying to be insensitive to his situation, but I want to make sure that we are as financially protected as possible since we are both relatively young and just beginning our own lives with our own families.


Handling an Insolvent Estate

My wife's brother recently died. As nearest kin, she's handling his affairs and hopes to keep it as simple as possible. Mostly, his affairs are very simple: no spouse, no real estate, and no bank accounts. We have already cleaned out his apartment and directed that his mail be forwarded to us. He owned a new truck, on which more is still owing than we could sell it for. Also, it appears he had a few credit cards with balances owing. Are we responsible for these things? How should we proceed?
