Wrongful death
Wrongful death cases arise from negligence of many types: automobile and other vehicle accidents, medical or surgical malpractice, defective products, workplace injuries, and elder abuse or neglect, to name a few. Wrongful Death cases are among the saddest claims a lawyer is called upon to handle. The family is grief-stricken and often confused about what to do next. Having a competent and compassionate lawyer to handle the legal aspects of the loss can often take some of the burden off of the family. At Len Tillem and Associates, we offer proven, experienced representation with a human touch. We can also provide immediate referral to grief and bereavement counseling if necessary. California recognizes that there are profound noneconomic losses when a family member dies prematurely due to the negligence of another. While the victim’s suffering before death is not compensable in most circumstances, the loss of support, comfort, love, affection and companionship sustained by the survivors is recognized as requiring compensation. Of course, if the deceased family member was providing financial support to his or her heirs, those losses are compensable as well. If your family member or the family member of someone you know has been killed as a result of negligence or the intentional actions of another, contact Len Tillem and Associates today. We offer convenient appointments in our office, at your home, or at another location of your choosing.